- A. Materka, M. Strzelecki: Texture Analysis Methods - A Review, >>
 Technical University of Lodz, 1998, COST B11 Report.
- A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, R. Lerski, L. Schad: Evaluation of Texture Features of Test Objects for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, >>
June 1999, Infotech Oulu Workshop on Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Oulu, Finland, 13-19.
- A. Materka, P. Cichy, J. Tuliszkiewicz: Texture Analysis of X-Ray Images for Detection of Changes in Bone Mass and Structure, >>
 June 1999, Infotech Oulu Workshop on Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Oulu, Finland, 29-34.
- A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, R. Lerski, L. Schad: Scanner Resolution and Noise Influence on Texture Parameters of Magnetic Resonance Phantom Images, >>
 International Conference "Computers in Medicine", 23-25 September 1999, Łódź, Poland, 101-107.
- M. Strzelecki, A. Materka: European Project Cost B11 "Quantitation Of Magnetic Resonance Image Texture", >>
 Zeszyty Naukowe 'Elektronika', vol. 4, 1999, 115-124.
- M. Strzelecki, A. Materka: Europejski program COST B11 "Ilościowa analiza tekstury obrazów z tomografu rezonansu magnetycznego", >>
 Światowy Kongres "Zastosowanie Osiągnięć Technologii i Nauki w Medycynie", 7-9 September 1999, Łódź, Poland, 126.
- A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, R. Lerski, L. Schad: Toward Automatic Feature Selection of Texture Test Objects for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, >>
 RECPAD 2000, 11th Portugese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Porto, May 2000, 11-16.
- A Materka, P Cichy, J Tuliszkiewicz, Texture Analysis of X-Ray Images for Detection of Changes in Bone Mass and Structure, >>
 Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Series in Machine Perception & Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 40, M. K. Pietikainen (Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2000, 189-195.
- M. Kociołek, A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, P. Szczypiński: Discrete Wavelet Transform - Derived Features for Digital Image Texture Analysis, >>
 Proc. Int. Conf. Signals and Electronic Systems, 18-21 September 2001, Lodz, Poland, 111-116.
- P. Szczypiński, M. Kociołek, A. Materka, M. Strzelecki: Computer Program for Image Texture Analysis in PhD Students Laboratory, >>
 Proc. Int. Conf. Signals and Electronic Systems, 18-21 September 2001, Lodz, Poland, 255-261.
- M. Strzelecki: Image Segmentation Based on Network of Synchronised Oscillators, >>
 Proc. of Interational Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, 18-21 September 2001, Lodz, Poland, pp. 105-110.
- M. Strzelecki: Segmentation of Textured Images Using Network of Synchronised Oscillators, >>
 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing, 12 October 2001, Poznan, 105-108.
- M. Strzelecki: Image Texture Segmentation Using Linear Filter Based Features and Network of Synchronised Oscillators, >>
 12th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition Aveiro, Portugal, June 27th- 28th, 2002, accepted.
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